At Home


Early in the UK's first Covid lockdown, it became apparent that some were ignoring the 'Stay at home' advice. In response, HM Government tasked the news industry with delivering this important health message, clearly and memorably, to these often hard-to-reach audiences.

We were brought in by Newsworks UK to create a visual hook for communicating this message, and campaign to broadcast it to the nation across every UK newspaper.



Newsworks UK
HM Government


Silas Amos Ltd


Our core device created a memorable smile in the mind – a more persuasive alternative to the expected governmental graphics. The device then became the corner-stone of a campaign that ran across all the UK’s newspaper covers on the same day (the first time this has ever been done).


The impact and scale of the launch day was phenomenal. 600 national and local newspapers wrapped their papers, and after one day the campaign was remembered by half of the UK population. And with 76% awareness amongst newspaper readers, it one of the most successful governmental news campaigns ever.

The initial campaign then set the creative template for a subsequent six-month campaign carrying health information messages that responded to the quickly evolving events.



Alec Tear — Design concept & system
Silas Amos — Strategy & copywriting
Tracy DeGroose — Project management
Jo Allan — Project management
Mat Voyce — Animation


⬡ D&AD Shortlist
Branding / Logos




Burger King Meltdown